
ISBN 978-612-48302-0-4

A1 elementary

Autor:Cheneaux, Dijeryng
Editorial:Universal English S.R.L.
Materia:Uso del inglés estándar
Público objetivo:General
Número de edición:1
Formato:Pdf (.pdf)


PRACTICAL, ESPONTANEOUS AND EASY. communicative approach which develops fluency through this story-based book sessions. The book develops the critical thinking skills needed for success. Varying from the regular learning process, this a learning stage that helps students eliminate the translating mental process, from Spanish to English, or viceversa, allowing them to learn a second language with the same practicality, spontaneity and easiness that helped them learn their native tongue, making them think exclusively in English. Besides it contributes to develop the necessary skills to discriminate the typical English sounds, through systematized specific exercises, such as scrambled sentences, language games and role play.


Av. De la Poesía 160 - San Borja / Tel. 5136900 - Anexo (7136 - 7135)

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