
ISBN 978-612-00-5715-5

School violence
a social phenomenon in evolution

Editorial:Moncada Ortega, Segundo Pedro
Público objetivo:General
Número de edición:1
Formato:Pdf (.pdf)


SCHOOL VIOLENCE, A social phenomenon in evolution
Original title:
LA VIOLENCIA ESCOLAR, Un fenómeno social en evolución.

Moncada Ortega Segundo Pedro
Varas Rodriguez Denisse
Raffo Zavaleta Flavio Tomas
Jaramillo Carrion Wilson Ruben
e will always have children who have a lot of energy that if you neglect it will cause you a breakdown / an interruption. Violence is learned at home, either by the direct influence of parents, family, media, neighbors, teachers, peers and the authorities that are behind. In that sense, they learn from different models, overcoming them with each passing stage, coexisting with adults who have no qualms about transmitting these actions. In that sense, it is a never-ending chain, which makes it a social phenomenon.
It is observed that as they progress in ages, He manifestations of violence vary and everything learned is amplified; varying according to the moments, subjects, status, the degree of awareness; where the nicknames are most common; where each child has it; followed by strokes, pushes and isolation; they do it in the recess, passageways, classroom and if we have a teacher distracted, save who can. Being the disruptive effects are those that harm the PEA, revenge is the most common.
It is concluded that all beings are born innocent and is the environment in which they live, who influences and their future is doubtful.
ow difficult is it to give the example if nobody gave you good examples of humanity to others, how can you teach what that did not teach you? If they only taught you to climb no matter your neighbor, they taught you with the bad example; trample it, take it out from your side because it hinders, they taught you violence everywhere, to lying, to stealing, to labeling, to deal. What are you going to transmit knowledge and attitudes, if only transmitted to you the negative, or tell me: did they teach you to an understanding, respectful, tolerant and loving with your neighbor?
What are you going to teach how to behave, and how to be a human being, but where is your humanity and your values. How difficult it is to learn what never taught to you, because our customs are rooted, how difficult is change if you have an alienating and violent society, imposed from where you cannot escape and the media repeat it daily.
It is a practical guide, based on a qualitative study, from which a range of answers emerge; Declared by the students, as well as the observations made, which allowed to recognize and capture the manifestations of physical, verbal, psychological violence and theft, externalized by students in school environments.


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