
ISBN 978-612-5160-26-3

The man who never aged

Autor:Bonnemaison, Francisco J.
Editorial:Corporación Ígneo S.A.C.
Materia:Literatura y retórica
Público objetivo:General
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:232
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o rústica


What if you suddenly realized that you can never grow old? Would it be as cool as you imagine? Well, that is exactly what our friend Rodrigo experienced, a Segovian born in 15th century Spain who, one day, had an inexplicable encounter with beings from other civilizations. What our protagonist would not imagine is that this meeting, apparently fortuitous, would be the beginning of surreal adventures through the centuries in which he would not only know other planets but would also become one of the most respected citizens of the Baal civilization.
With a descriptive richness and a powerful imagination, the author invites us to immerse ourselves in a story that begins in Spain in 1445 and continues through the centuries on new and wonderful planets that human civilization has not yet known. Thus, adventure, technology, fantasy, but also love, human contradictions, and the fighting spirit are part of this incredible and entertaining work that, without a doubt, leaves us valuable lessons while showing us other worlds and other possibilities.

Francisco J. Bonnemaison
Affectionately nicknamed Paco, he graduated Magna cum laude in History from the University of Maryland. He speaks five languages and is an avid reader and fervent admirer of the classics.
He was born in Malaga, Spain, and has lived in the United States since 1983. Before opening a wholesale travel company, he held several management positions in hotel companies in Spain associated with the Bank of Bilbao.
Previously, he studied and graduated in Business Administration at the former School of Commerce (now the Faculty of Business Sciences of Malaga). He also studied Physics and Astronomy at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida.


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