
ISBN 978-612-5160-54-6

Martha in the Middle of the World

Autor:Arévalo, Agustina
Editorial:Corporación Ígneo S.A.C.
Materia:Literatura chilena
Público objetivo:General
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:112
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o rústica


Marta in the Middle of the World tells the story of Marta, an eight-year-old girl who lives with her mother and sister Carmencita on an island in Chile. Her family situation is complicated due to her mother’s temperament and addictions.
Aspiring to become a writer, Marta begins keeping a diary in which she narrates her daily life, the experiences she shares with her sister, and the games they play together. The diary reveals the deep loneliness she feels due to her emotionally absent parents.
Marta's situation does not improve, and her mother's condition worsens every day. The book's conclusion helps us understand how much reality is intertwined with literature and how fiction becomes an escape, a reality we cling to because it is the one we shape ourselves.

Agustina Arévalo Garimani
Born in Viña del Mar, Chile, Agustina has been a lover of literature (and cats) since her early years. Her lifelong dream has always been to publish a book, and today, she finally has the opportunity to share her artistic work. Although it is aimed at children, she hopes it will enchant audiences of all kinds due to its simple yet ever-relevant message for all of us.


Av. De la Poesía 160 - San Borja / Tel. 5136900 - Anexo (7136 - 7135)

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