
ISBN 978-612-49394-1-9

Cucho's forest

Autor:Galli Vilchez, Luis
Galli Vilchez, María Angela
Editorial:Centro de Desarrollo Editorial y de Contenidos S.A.C.
Materia:Literatura infantil
Público objetivo:Infantil / Juvenil
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:80
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o rústica


This is the story of Cucho, a sloth from the Amazon who next to Bruno (another sloth), the wonderful butterfly Marbel and Parda (the moth), live in the jungle of Peru. One morning, as usual, they descend from the tall trees, but they could not find their way because the trees they knew were gone. They got lost and disoriented at home and could not find the leaves which is their food!
Borak —an old porcupine— explained to them there is a mortal threat in the forest, so dangerous as the puma or the harpy eagle. The new danger is known as deforestation, it has no face, it does not speak but, it carries saw chains, machetes and men that always threaten to return. The animals of the forest will organize an army to protect their home: the forest.
In these pages Cucho and his friends will discover that many persons are friendly, kind and protective of the forest. Nevertheless, they will have to escape and search for a new home. During this trip the animals will face terrible dangers and pleasant surprises. Cucho’s Forest teaches us to care about our home, our planet, because there is only one and we are only passing through. Act as Cucho and his friends did, protect the forest, your home, your planet.

Galli Vilchez, Luis

Lima, 1964-

Galli Vilchez, María Angela

Lima, 1967-2020


Av. De la Poesía 160 - San Borja / Tel. 5136900 - Anexo (7136 - 7135)

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